Thursday, 31 October 2013

The Supportive Sporty Idea

It is very well said that sports are the epitome of hard work and dedication. The craze for sports among extremely enthusiastic people earn them a title of ‘super-fans’. The rapid increase in the ratio of rabid fans shows their tenacious love and undying sporty spirit. They cheer for their team with clapping, fist-pumping and shouting positive exclamations toward the field of play.
There is no surprise that we have ample number of online stores for sports t-shirts, hats, jerseys, polo, license plates, hoods, sweatshirts, tees, shoes,  team merchandise and accessories. Moreover iOS app and Android App cover so much of market. Being a part of Mediaagility, we checked out the passion for sports among the employees. Here are their rave reviews:
  • Robert, a fanatical basketball fan, wears scarlet red cap whenever he goes to watch the live basketball games in the stadium. He considers it to be lucky charm. And luckily the team he supports win each time. Once he had worn a black cap and the match was withdrawn. Ever since , wearing a red cap was considered as symbol of fortune according to him.
  • Paul loves playing chess with his best friend. He asks his wife to prepare hot coffee only and offer no appetizers, lest his hands would be soiled and he requires washing them. He wants no disturbance during the chess game and is totally lost in it.
  • Sports mania has influenced Jack so much that the wall of his room is filled with posters of the English former footballer, David Robert Joseph Beckham. Not only this, he got special sports themed room designed. He loves to play fantasy football.
  • Even Jack’s younger brother, Tom is reading Wisden Cricketers' Almanack 2013. He is a die hard fan of cricket. He was so much engrossed reading this book that he forgot to wish his girlfriend's Birthday. This is unbelievable!!
  • Anderson's daughter, Elly, is not even 12 and asked her daddy to gift her the skirt as short as the one worn by tennis players. She loves Maria Yuryevna Sharapova, a Russian professional tennis player.
  • Ronald, who loves hockey as much as his girlfriend, gifted her beloved, two coffee mugs bearing the photo of Bobby Orr with a sporty quotation on the occasion of her Birthday. He gets so much fascinated by the latest hockey news.
  • Gracie uses custom colors for the face, body, hair and even nails. Gracie gets the poster designed for each and every cricket match and does not miss any of the matches ranging from test match to semi-finals or finals. Her poster had great quotation “Buck Up Australia With Leaps And Bound Just As Our National Kangaroo”. She was also awarded as the best poster maker of the match.
Surrounded with such sports maniacs and sportaholics all around, Mediagility envisaged the idea of coming up with the best sports app. Hence, the birth of ED Sports Fanatics. This sports animal app will have all the relevant information about different sports venue around the world. Featuring perfect schedules and world sports venues, this app is really going to be a boon for the people passionate for sports.

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